About Me

Irina Russkol creates beautiful figurative sculptural paintings that are raised off the paper or canvas using a mixture of sand, gesso, highlighted with metallic-paints creating contrast between the textured figures and their background. She has incorporated mixed media with oil, acrylic, wax, stones, metal and different textures. Not content with settling with one style or medium, Irina is only content when discovering new techniques, which is evident with her wide range of styles: landscape, still life, figurative and abstract.

A perpetual explorer, Irina Russkol has utilized many different mediums in her work. The suggestion of people in granules of bronze or a dusky slash of a figure can convey a particular moment through a thoughtfully constructed scene. Her dedication to the evolution of her work is apparent when one examines her pieces closely, peering through the layers of pigment and texture and deep into the painting’s heart.

Irina’s work is depicted with many figures and sublime poses as opposed to active poses, as “sculptures in the round”. The heads and many feet are undercut where the torsos are more engaged with the surface behind.

Although her education helped her in large part, her inspiration and her need to create has generally come from her spontaneous emotions within. Her works evoke a strong emotional response by combining the harshness of a man-made metallic world with the softness of mankind. Also, many different artists and styles have influenced her.

Irina’s artworks can be found in numerous corporations, select fine art galleries, and private collections around the country and abroad.